1. Government/Administration: Any geographic area with a sovereign government or separately administered as a colony, protectorate, trusteeship territory, territory or mandate shall be considered as a separate country.
2. Enclaves/Continental Separation: Continental land areas having a common government or administration but which are geographically discontinuous either by reason of being separated by foreign land not under their control, by being located on separate continents, or by being separated by a natural body of water shall be considered as separate countries provided their population exceeds 100,000. Multiple fragments separated by the same foreign country shall only count for one country.
3. Federations: A geographic entity which is a federation of separate geographically definable entitles, each of which is a separate republic/emirate/kingdom in its own right shall be counted as separate countries.
4. Islands/island Groups:
a. An island/island group not separately defined under section I shall be considered a separate country if:
1. It is situated at least 200 miles from the closest continental portion of its administrating country; or
2. Being located within 200 miles, it has a population exceeding 100,000 and is administered as distinctively separate state(s), province(s), or department(s).
b. Island groups that are parts of an island country within the definition of section I shall be considered separate countries if:
1. They are situated at least 200 miles from the closest portion of the same island country; or
2. Being located within 200 miles, they have a population exceeding 100,000 and are administered as distinctively separate states, provinces, or departments.
5. Disputed Status: Geographically defined areas which have historically had an independent identity and whose current political status is the subject of dispute shall be counted as separate countries.
6. Unpopulated/Unadministered Areas: Any area which is unadministered or has no resident population will not be considered as a separate country, except for the political divisions of Antarctica.